How we work

If you’ve never worked with a designer before, you might not know what to expect. Let’s go over the different steps.


Getting acquainted

When you contact Kirsten Graphic Design, we schedule an introductory meeting, depending on the project, to get to know you and your business. Depending on the project, you will receive some questions in advance that you can prepare for. The acquaintance and extra questions will help us to anticipate your exact wishes and needs.


Drawing up the quotation

Based on our conversation, we prepare a detailed price quote. It is always possible to add or omit items on the quote to best meet your needs and budgets. After written approval, a deposit of 50% is requested as confirmation. After receiving the deposit and all necessary information (e.g., text or photos), we start the project.


Actually drawing

Time for creativity! We will do some research, ask you additional questions, jot down ideas, draw diagrams and make sketches. When we are satisfied and feel the designs meet your requirements, we will deliver them (usually as pdf) via email. This is followed by the first round of feedback where you can comment on the designs. You can provide us with the feedback via mail or in a virtual meeting.


Dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s

We want you to have plenty of opportunities to provide your input. Therefore, we specify a number of feedback rounds for each component. In case of a website, a test environment will be set up so you can test the functioning yourself and give feedback. Any changes we make after the feedback rounds are completed will be charged at an hourly rate, but we rarely have to do this. Usually, the number of feedback rounds specified in the quote are sufficient to perfect the design.


Delivering the goods

After the designs have been approved, we can, if you wish, order the printing and then deliver it to your address by parcel post. After payment of the final invoice, the digital files are delivered by e-mail and you get access to your personal Google Drive folder where all final files are accessible. In case of a website, you will receive the login details for the web application and you can make simple changes yourself if necessary.

Do you feel like working together? Let us know!